sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011

How To Know If Your Dog Is Pregnant

Hi guys! Pregnancy in dogs can be difficullt to detect. A responsible pet owner will want to know the signs and symptoms of pregnancy to ensure proper health care. The most easy and accurate way to know if your dog is pregnant is to take a trip to the veterinarian. A blood test or an X-ray will give you your answer. But if a female dog is not spayed, and you suspect that she may be pregnant, there are some symptoms that you can look for on your own.


1. Pay close attention to your dog's eating habits. If she has a decreased appetite or isn't showing much interest in her favorite chow, this could be a sign of morning sckness.

2. Check for any vaginal discharge, a common sign of pregnancy.

3. Check if your dog has enlarged teats. A female dog's nipples will become engorded in preparation for nursin her pups.

4. Look for behavioral changes in your dog. I f she is usually active and seems tired all the time, she may be pregnant.

5. Look at your dog's stomachnto see if it appears anlarged. This symptom appears midway through the pregnancy, you may be able to gently feel the puppies as well.

6. Look for signs of "nesting", your dog's way ready for the birth and aftercare of the puppies. She ay scratch the floor or the blankets as to fluff them.

Tips & Warnings:

Seek medical attention fro a veterinarian as early as possible in pregnancy. Your vet can give you the best advice

If your dog appears to be unwell and you are not sure if she is pregnant, take her to the vet as soon as possible. Listlessness and lack of hunger can signify other problems.

viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

How To Choose A Dog

Hey guys! I already told you how to choose a hamster, now I will tell you how to choose your dog!

1. You need to consider your space.
A big dog needs more space than a little dog. If you live in a big house or apartment, you can have either a small dog or a big dog. But, if you live in a small place, you could consider having a small dog, or just buying a hamster or fish.

2. Investigate.
If you have kids, you shouldn't buy a Doberman, investigate about dog breeds. Some breeds are friendlier than others.

3. Shelter or Shop?
Consider buying your dog from a shelter, it would be very happy to have a stable home. Dogs from a shelter can be a good option, but remember, ask for information about it. If you have kids you probably wouldn't like to buy a dog that was once used for fights.

When you bring your pet home, be sure to have everything ready. Enjoy your new family member!

P.D: You can use this guide to choose a cat.