viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

How To Choose A Dog

Hey guys! I already told you how to choose a hamster, now I will tell you how to choose your dog!

1. You need to consider your space.
A big dog needs more space than a little dog. If you live in a big house or apartment, you can have either a small dog or a big dog. But, if you live in a small place, you could consider having a small dog, or just buying a hamster or fish.

2. Investigate.
If you have kids, you shouldn't buy a Doberman, investigate about dog breeds. Some breeds are friendlier than others.

3. Shelter or Shop?
Consider buying your dog from a shelter, it would be very happy to have a stable home. Dogs from a shelter can be a good option, but remember, ask for information about it. If you have kids you probably wouldn't like to buy a dog that was once used for fights.

When you bring your pet home, be sure to have everything ready. Enjoy your new family member!

P.D: You can use this guide to choose a cat.

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